- 2025-04-07 Lecturer for the course Advanced Process Mining (APM), summer semester 2025
- 2025-02-05 Program Committee member at the International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2025)
- 2025-01-27 Paper accepted in Nature npj Digital Medicine: "Implementation report on pioneering federated data access for the German National Emergency Department Data Registry"
- 2025-01-04 Paper accepted in Elsevier Knowledge-Based Systems journal: "Control-flow anomaly detection by process mining-based feature extraction and dimensionality reduction"
- 2024-12-12 Received the RWTH Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Profile Area Young Researcher award, PhD category
- 2024-09-13 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics (EdbA 2024): "Ranking the Top-K Realizations of Stochastically Known Event Logs"
- 2024-07-12 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Data-Driven Business Process Optimization (BPO 2024): "Applying Process Mining on Scientific Workflows: a Case Study on High Performance Computing Data"
- 2024-07-10 Editorial published in the AIMS Press Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering journal: "Advances in computational methods for process and data mining in healthcare"
- 2024-07-08 Paper accepted at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS 2024): "A Pipeline for the Usage of the Core Data Set of the Medical Informatics Initiative for Process Mining–A Technical Case Report"
- 2024-05-27 Reviewer for the Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal
- 2024-04-29 Research grant awarded by the Hong Kong Industrial Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Centre (FLAIR) for the project "Process Efficiency Recommender for Multi-level Air Cargo Terminals (PERFORMACT)"
- 2024-04-08 Lecturer for the course Advanced Process Mining (APM), summer semester 2024
- 2024-04-05 Program Committee member at the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2024), doctoral consortium
- 2024-03-31 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024), forum: "ProReco: A Process Discovery Recommender System"
- 2024-03-30 Paper accepted at the International Working Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD 2024): "Fast & Sound: Accelerating Synthesis-Rules-Based Process Discovery"
- 2024-01-30 Speaker at the ELA Triangle Workshop on Process Mining: "Uncertainty and stochastic methods in process mining: current landscape and open challenges"
- 2023-12-05 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024): "Process-Aware Analysis of Treatment Paths in Heart Failure Patients: A Case Study"
- 2023-10-09 Lecturer for the course Elements of Machine Learning and Data Science, winter semester 2023/2024
- 2023-10-09 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, winter semester 2023/2024
- 2023-10-02 Reviewer for the PeerJ Computer Science journal
- 2023-08-03 Reviewer for the Springer Computing journal
- 2023-07-25 Poster accepted at the AvH Future of AI Summit: "Uncertainty in Processes: from Data to Insights"
- 2023-07-21 Paper accepted at the International Conference of Business Process Management (BPM 2023), resource track: "An Uncertainty-Aware Event Log of Network Traffic"
- 2023-07-21 Paper accepted at the International Conference of Business Process Management (BPM 2023), demo track: "SLURMminer: A Tool for SLURM System Analysis with Process Mining"
- 2023-06-22 Reviewer for the IAES International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
- 2023-05-23 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM 2023)
- 2023-05-05 Guest lecturer for the course Informatica Industriale e Process Analytics at University of Pisa, summer semester 2023. Topic: "Process mining with PM4Py"
- 2023-05-03 Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems journal
- 2023-04-23 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics (EdbA 2023)
- 2023-04-03 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, summer semester 2023
- 2023-04-14 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare (PODS4H 2023)
- 2023-03-06 Reviewer for the Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journal
- 2022-01-27 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2023)
- 2023-01-09 Reviewer for the Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journal
- 2022-12-29 Paper accepted in Springer Journal of Intelligent Information Systems journal: "Performance-Preserving Event Log Sampling for Predictive Monitoring"
- 2022-09-16 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare (PODS4H 2022): "Process Modeling and Conformance Checking in Healthcare: A COVID-19 Case Study"
- 2022-10-10 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, winter semester 2022/2023
- 2022-08-16 Reviewer for the Elsevier Journal of Computational Science
- 2022-07-20 Program Committee member at the International Conference on Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing (EDOC 2022), demonstration track
- 2022-06-24 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM 2022)
- 2022-06-24 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics (EdbA 2022)
- 2022-05-27 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management (AI4BPM 2022)
- 2022-05-18 Reviewer for the Elsevier Information Systems journal
- 2021-04-14 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare (PODS4H 2022)
- 2022-04-03 Guest lecturer for the course Informatica Industriale e Process Analytics at University of Pisa, summer semester 2022. Topic: "Process mining"
- 2022-04-01 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2022), Doctoral Consortium: "Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Event Data in Process Mining: Embedding Uncertainty in Process Analysis Techniques"
- 2022-04-04 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, summer semester 2022
- 2022-04-01 Paper accepted at the International Working Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD 2022): "Uncertain Case Identifiers in Process Mining: a User Study of the Event-Case Correlation Problem on Click Data"
- 2022-01-27 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2022)
- 2022-01-13 Paper accepted in Elsevier Journal of Biomedical Informatics journal: "Process Mining for Healthcare: Characteristics and Challenges"
- 2021-12-10 Co-organizer of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Process Mining (CI4PM 2022)
- 2021-11-12 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Process Mining (QAPM 2022)
- 2021-10-18 Reviewer for the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik
- 2021-10-11 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, winter semester 2021/2022
- 2021-10-08 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2021), Doctoral Consortium: "Process Mining on Uncertain Event Data"
- 2021-10-04 Reviewer for the IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
- 2021-09-16 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM 2021): "Event Log Sampling for Predictive Monitoring"
- 2021-09-16 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics (EdbA 2021): "Probability Estimation of Uncertain Process Trace Realizations"
- 2021-07-14 Paper accepted at the International Conference of Business Process Management (BPM 2021), resource track: "An XES Extension for Uncertain Event Data"
- 2021-06-25 Pitching process mining over uncertain event data at the Sommerfest der Informatik at RWTH Aachen
- 2021-06-18 Invited panelist at the Machine Learning Week Europe 2021 (PAW Healthcare Expert Round 5: Corona Community Project Pitches)
- 2021-06-16 Reviewer for the Elsevier Journal of Biomedical Informatics, special issue Innovative informatics methods for process mining in health care
- 2021-05-26 Paper accepted in Elsevier Information Systems journal: "Conformance Checking over Uncertain Event Data"
- 2020-05-18 Supervisor for the Master thesis "Applying Process Mining to User Behavior Analysis: The Event-Case Attribution Problem"
- 2020-05-14 Paper accepted at the Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business (AKTB 2021): "Analyzing Medical Data with Process Mining: a COVID-19 Case Study"
- 2021-04-28 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare (PODS4H 2021)
- 2020-04-19 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2020): "Text-Aware Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes"
- 2021-04-12 Program Committee member at the International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2021)
- 2021-04-12 Guest lecturer for the course Advanced Process Mining (APM) at RWTH, summer semester 2021. Topic: "Process mining on uncertain event data"
- 2021-04-12 Instructor for the course Business Process Intelligence (BPI), summer semester 2021
- 2021-04-12 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, summer semester 2021
- 2021-04-01 Joined the EU Commission's ICU4COVID project
- 2021-03-08 Guest editor for the "Computational Methods for Process Mining in Healthcare" special issue of the AIMS Press Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering{target="blank"} journal
- 2020-03-05 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2021), tool track: "PROVED: A Tool for Graph Representation and Analysis of Uncertain Event Data"
- 2021-02-21 Supervisor for the Master thesis "Estimating Probabilities for Realizations of Uncertain Event Data"
- 2020-11-23 New preprint: "Conformance Checking over Uncertain Event Data"
- 2020-11-06 Paper accepted at the Process Mining and Emerging Applications special issue of the MDPI Algorithms journal: "Efficient Time and Space Representation of Uncertain Event Data"
- 2020-10-26 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, winter semester 2020/2021
- 2020-09-30 New preprint: "Efficient Time and Space Representation of Uncertain Event Data"
- 2019-07-03 Supervisor for the Master thesis "Text-Aware Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes with LSTM Neural Networks"
- 2020-06-19 Guest lecturer for the course Advanced Process Mining (APM) at RWTH, summer semester 2020. Topic: "Process mining on uncertain event data"
- 2020-04-06 Instructor for the seminar Machine Learning Applications in Process Mining, summer semester 2020
- 2020-02-17 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2020): "Efficient Construction of Behavior Graphs for Uncertain Event Data"
- 2019-10-16 Presenting my findings to a delegation of researchers of Wallemberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) from Sweden
- 2019-10-07 Teaching Assistant for the course Introduction to Data Science (IDS), winter semester 2019/2020
- 2019-06-28 Paper accepted at the International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2019): "Discovering Process Models from Uncertain Event Data"
- 2019-06-05 Guest lecturer for the course Advanced Process Mining (APM) at RWTH, summer semester 2019. Topic: "Process mining on uncertain event data"
- 2019-05-27 Visiting Trondheim for a week of research at SINTEF and NTNU
- 2019-04-12 Instructor for the seminar Introduction to Feature Prediction of Running Process Instances, summer semester 2019
- 2019-04-01 Supervisor for the Bachelor thesis "An Inductive Miner implementation for the PM4Py framework"
- 2019-03-10 Paper accepted at the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2019): "Mining Uncertain Event Data in Process Mining"
- 2018-10-10 Teaching Assistant for the course Introduction to Data Science (IDS), winter semester 2018/2019
- 2018-06-11 Started my research at the Process And Data Science team in RWTH University, Aachen